08.09.2017 12.24 CDT
The downstreaming of care – to less resource intensive settings – is occurring throughout the U.S. healthcare system. This trend holds promise for patients and payers, but may be a threat to some existing providers.
The Downstreaming of Health Care

What are the Implications of Moving Care to a Less Resource-Intensive Setting?
Healthcare services are, increasingly, being delivered in less resource-intensive settings. This “downstreaming” of care will only increase in the years to come and promises to produce lower costs, meet consumer preferences and take advantage of technological advances. However, downstreaming of care will also have significant implications for patients, payers and providers.
01.05.2017 12.47 CDT
Telemedicine helps reduce health care costs and improve outcomes – and could do more if regulators let it.
Telemedicine: Poised for Takeoff or Frustration?

For individuals who cannot travel or live in remote areas, telehealth can provide critical evaluation and condition management support.
Telemedicine - which includes a variety of electronic media to provide medical services and monitor patients with certain chronic conditions – holds much promise for reducing costs and improving outcomes. What are the obstacles to achieving even greater results?